如何在Outlook 2013中管理附件
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There comes a time, job-hunting, or sharing photos with older family members, where you may need to send stuff the old fashioned way – as an email attachment. If you email at work, it may be a part of your email repertoire.

有时需要找工作,与年长的家庭成员分享照片或与他们共享照片,在这种情况下,您可能需要以老式的方式发送内容(作为电子邮件附件)。 如果您在工作时通过电子邮件发送邮件,则可能是您的电子邮件清单中的一部分。

The thing about attachments is, there’s a sort of unwritten code with regard to sending them. For example, while you could send a huge file in an e-mail (it depends on how much the service or ISP you’re using will allow), it’s not necessarily efficient. Similarly, sending multiple files is usually better accomplished zipped in a container file.

关于附件的事情是,关于附件的发送有一种未编写的代码。 例如,虽然您可以在电子邮件中发送一个巨大的文件(取决于您所使用的服务或ISP允许的数量),但这不一定有效。 同样,发送多个文件通常可以更好地压缩到容器文件中。

Of course, depending on the kind of file it is, it may or may not arrive at its destination. Files such as those ending in .EXE, .BAT, and other executable types, will often (usually) be blocked or stripped because of their association with malware. If you want to send a file like this, you’ll probably need to enclose it in a .ZIP archive.

当然,取决于文件的类型,它可能会到达也可能不会到达目的地。 以.EXE,.BAT和其他可执行文件类型结尾的文件,由于与恶意软件的关联,通常(通常)被阻止或剥离。 如果要发送这样的文件,则可能需要将其包含在.ZIP存档中。

and is pretty simple, and while adding and handling attachments should be second nature by now, a lot of user may not realize that they could be doing it better.


添加附件 (Adding an Attachment)

To add an attachment, you can drag a file or files to a blank email message, and it will be pasted as an attachment. Or, click the “Attach File” button on the ribbon, in the Include section.

要添加附件,您可以将一个或多个文件拖到空白电子邮件中,并将其粘贴为附件。 或者,单击功能区上“包含”部分中的“附加文件”按钮。

You’ll need to browse to the location where the file you want to attach is located and then select the file or files you want to include in your message, then click “Insert.” Alternatively, click the small arrow and select “Insert as Text” and your attachment will be inserted inline, meaning it will appear in your message instead of as separate file.

您需要浏览到要附加的文件所在的位置,然后选择要包含在邮件中的一个或多个文件,然后单击“插入”。 或者,单击小箭头,然后选择“以文本形式插入”,您的附件将被插入行内,这意味着它会出现在您的消息中,而不是作为单独的文件出现。

Once attached, you’ll be able to see it in the Attached field beneath the Subject line.


Finally, let’s say you’ve got your attachment attached, and you realize it’s the wrong one. No problem, you can simply select the attachment hit the “Delete” button on your keyboard, or you can right-click and select “Remove.”

最后,假设您已附加附件,但您意识到附件是错误的。 没问题,您可以选择附件并点击键盘上的“删除”按钮,也可以右键单击并选择“删除”。

Files aren’t the only thing you can attach to message though, you can also attach items and signatures.


附加其他东西 (Attaching Other Stuff)

Items can include business cards (.VCF files, discussed earlier), calendars, and Outlook items, which can be notes, tasks, contacts, and other stuff that you open in Outlook.


Calendars are another thing you’ll possibly want to share from time to time, and if you click on the “Attach Item” button, you’ll see it’s easy to do just that. Sharing your calendar doesn’t mean you have to share every single item on every single day. You may just want to share a few days or a week, such as for a company getaway or family holiday itinerary.

日历是您可能不希望共享的另一件事,如果您单击“附加项目”按钮,您会发现做到这一点很容易。 共享日历并不意味着您必须每天共享每个项目。 您可能只想共享几天或一周的时间,例如公司度假或家庭度假行程。

Sharing a calendar will give you options to choose the actual calendar, the date range, details, and other advanced options.


When you click “OK,” you will then see that the calendar will be attached to the email message so it can be opened and viewed, but it will also be pasted into the actual message so recipients can conveniently view it at a glance.


Outlook items are basically anything you can create in Outlook, which can then be attached and sent to other Outlook users. In the following screenshot, you see how this works. You pick the source and then from there, choose the item or items (you can choose more than one) you want to attach.

Outlook项目基本上是您可以在Outlook中创建的任何内容,然后可以将其附加并发送给其他Outlook用户。 在以下屏幕截图中,您将看到它是如何工作的。 您选择来源,然后从那里选择要附加的一个或多个项目(可以选择多个)。

Note, you can decide if you want the item to arrive as an actual physical attachment or inline as text only. This is the same as we discussed earlier where you can “Insert as Text” and it will appear as part of the physical message.

请注意,您可以决定是要以实际的物理附件形式还是以文本形式直接插入项目。 这与我们之前讨论的相同,您可以在其中“以文本形式插入”,并且它将作为物理消息的一部分出现。

Business cards may or may not be one of those things you use or need, but it’s a really convenient way to share your immediate details in a simple, convenient package. If you want to share your (or anyone else’s) business card, you simply choose it from the Attach Item menu and your contacts will appear

名片可能不是您使用或需要的东西之一,但这是在一个简单便捷的程序包中共享您的即时详细信息的非常便捷的方法。 如果要共享您(或其他任何人)的名片,只需从“附加项目”菜单中选择它,您的联系人就会出现

Choose the card or cards you want to attach and click “OK” and the cards will appear as text and will also be attached as a .VCF file, which means it can be that support such files.


Sharing contacts as business cards is a really quick and convenient way to supply someone else with contact information, or to import contact information from someone else without having to type it into your address book by hand.


处理附件 (Handling Attachments)

Of course, with email, there’s always the opportunity to receive as well as give. So, what do you do when a message with attachments arrives in your inbox? Usually it’s pretty straightforward, such as in the following image. You see our test message has arrived with an image attached.

当然,有了电子邮件,总有机会获得和给予。 因此,当带有附件的邮件到达收件箱时,您该怎么办? 通常,它非常简单明了,如下图所示。 您会看到我们的测试消息已附带图像。

If we simply click on the attachment, you see that options appear in the Ribbon call Attachment Tools. From here you can take action on it. Notice also that if you receive multiple files, you can save all your attachments at once and if you’re unsure about whether it’s wise to open the attachment at all, then you can remove it, though it’s probably wiser to simply delete the message if you have doubts.

如果我们仅单击附件,就会看到功能区调用附件工具中显示了选项。 从这里您可以对此采取行动。 还要注意,如果收到多个文件,则可以一次保存所有附件,如果不确定完全打开附件是否明智,则可以将其删除,尽管如果有以下情况,可以简单地删除邮件:你有疑问。

You can also right-click on any attachment in a message and you can use the resulting drop-down menu to take the same actions as found on the Ribbon.


When handling attachments, caveats abound. Attachments can be dangerous as anyone who has used email in the past twenty years can attest. Bottom line, don’t open anything that isn’t from anyone you do not know or trust, and always use a virus/malware scanner on your computer.

处理附件时,注意事项很多。 附件可能很危险,因为过去二十年来使用电子邮件的任何人都可以证明。 最重要的是,请勿打开任何您不认识或不信任的人的东西,并始终在计算机上使用病毒/恶意软件扫描程序。

将多个文件或大文件作为附件处理 (Handling Multiple Files or Large Files as Attachments)

We talked a bit about how to handle one or maybe a few attachments, but what if you want to attach dozens or even hundreds of files? Or, what if you want to attach a large file?

我们讨论了如何处理一个或几个附件,但是如果要附加几十个甚至数百个文件怎么办? 或者,如果您要附加大文件怎么办?

Sending large attachments is kind of uncool, especially if someone gets a lot of email in the process. The problem with sending large files over email isn’t so much whether or not you mail server will allow attachments over certain size. For the most part, you probably won’t send a file much larger than a megabyte or two, or at least you shouldn’t.

发送大型附件有点不爽,尤其是在此过程中有人收到很多电子邮件的情况下。 通过电子邮件发送大文件的问题不是邮件服务器是否允许特定大小的附件。 在大多数情况下,您可能不会发送比一兆字节大得多的文件,或者至少您不应该发送。

Nevertheless, there’s gonna be those times where you need to send something that’s a little unwieldy. If you use a webmail service like Yahoo, Gmail, or Microsoft, then they’ll have size limits (25Mb, 25Mb, 20Mb, respectively), just as your ISP, e.g. Comcast, Time Warner, AT&T, etc. will as well (usually about 10 Mb).

但是,在某些情况下,您需要发送有些笨拙的邮件。 如果您使用Yahoo,Gmail或Microsoft之类的网络邮件服务,则它们将具有大小限制(分别为25Mb,25Mb,20Mb),就像您的ISP(例如Comcast,Time Warner,AT&T等)一样(通常大约10 Mb)。

In most cases, when files are excessively large or numerous, we defer to using a cloud service, which are plentiful and offer enough free space to send the vast majority of files. More often than not, simply uploading your files to a cloud drive and then sharing it, is faster and more reliable than email. We’ve a  in case you would like to learn more.

在大多数情况下,当文件过大或过多时,我们会选择使用云服务,因为云服务足够多并提供足够的可用空间来发送绝大多数文件。 通常,仅将文件上传到云驱动器然后进行共享,通常比电子邮件更快,更可靠。 我们有一个在您想了解更多信息的情况下。

As far as sending multiple files are concerned, you shouldn’t have a problem provided it’s a few but once you start attaching dozens of pictures or documents, things can get a little awkward. Again, consider using a cloud service. Regardless, we suggest you definitely zip multiple files before sending them off. Windows has native support for zip files so you needn’t worry about your recipient not being able to open it.

就发送多个文件而言,只要有几个文件就不会有问题,但是一旦开始附加许多图片或文档,事情就会有些尴尬。 同样,请考虑使用云服务。 无论如何,我们建议您在发送多个文件之前绝对将其压缩。 Windows对zip文件具有本机支持,因此您不必担心收件人无法打开它。

Please check out this article, .


This seems like a pretty good place to end our discussion of attachments. They’re not a complicated subject, but regardless of whether you use Outlook, or Gmail, or any other email, sending files may require a few extra steps beyond simply attaching them.

这似乎是结束我们对附件的讨论的一个不错的地方。 它们不是一个复杂的主题,但是无论您使用的是Outlook,Gmail还是任何其他电子邮件,发送文件都可能需要一些额外的步骤,而不仅仅是附加它们。

As to now, we’ve covered the most basic parts of the Outlook’s email powers – contacts, addressing, composing – all of which, are pretty simple stuff. Now with attachments, you have a fairly well-rounded knowledge of the simple things.

到目前为止,我们已经介绍了Outlook电子邮件功能的最基本部分-联系人,地址,撰写-所有这些都是非常简单的内容。 现在有了附件,您对简单的东西有了相当全面的了解。

Now, it’s time to step up our game. As you use Outlook and accumulate email, you’ll need to learn how to manage it using tools like Quick Steps and rules, which we’ll talk about in an upcoming feature. In the meantime, and as always, we encourage you to give us your feedback in our discussion forum.

现在,是时候加强我们的游戏了。 使用Outlook和累积电子邮件时,您将需要学习如何使用“快速步骤”和规则之类的工具进行管理,我们将在即将发布的功能中对其进行讨论。 同时,我们一如既往地鼓励您在我们的论坛中向我们提供反馈。



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